Saturday, 5 April 2014

PDF⋙ Ancient American Art: Masterworks of the Pre-Columbian Era, 3500 BC - 1532 AD

Ancient American Art: Masterworks of the Pre-Columbian Era, 3500 BC - 1532 AD

Ancient American Art: Masterworks of the Pre-Columbian Era, 3500 BC - 1532 AD

Ancient American Art: Masterworks of the Pre-Columbian Era, 3500 BC - 1532 AD PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From ancient Valdivian figurines and vessels dating back to 3500 b.c. to Incan and Aztec objects created just before the Spanish explorers landed, this is a story of discovery that spans 50 centuries, stretches from southern Peru to northern Mexico, and is still ongoing. This expansive survey of pre-Columbian art includes images of gods, portraits of men and women, representations of animals and plants, and objects of pure abstraction. The beautifully photographed pieces—all from the Jimmy and Leonora Belilty collection—reveal the artists’ mastery over their materials, as well as their workmanship and conceptual creativity.

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Ancient American Art: Masterworks of the Pre-Columbian Era, 3500 BC - 1532 AD EPub

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